What are property returns in Turkey ?
Property returns are periodic fees collected from the owners of apartments located within a building or residential complex, in return for providing basic and additional services such as: heating, cleaning, maintenance, security, gyms and other facilities and services. The monthly returns are collected from the apartments based on a decision taken Unanimously from the residents of the complex, and in accordance with the real estate laws.
The monthly returns are also used by the administrations of the residential complexes for the maintenance of the residential complex, add additional social facilities, and bring smart solutions that facilitate the lives of residents.
Before paying the returns of properties in Turkey, there are some things that must be taken into account:
Verify the value of the proceeds on the service of apartments in Turkey and ensure that you receive all the services for which you are paying the proceeds.
Emphasize the need to obtain a receipt proving that you have paid the value of the proceeds and keep it to guarantee your right as well as the right to manage the complex.
Only pay the person concerned with receiving the value of the proceeds from the service of the apartmentI and who is known by everyone.
What services are provided in exchange for these returns?
The administration of residential complexes in Turkey is usually keen to organize the issue of services provided to residents in a more professional manner, through cooperation with professional companies specialized in all services needed by residents, so that they are provided well and within the framework of rationalizing the use of available resources within the residential complexes.
The expenses of the residential complexes are determined based on the operating project, and if there are no special provisions mentioned in the complex management plan, in this case the division of the proceeds is determined according to Article 20 of the Floor Ownership Law, where the proportional distribution of the proceeds is determined as follows: 50% For staff, 25% for energy, resources and maintenance and 25% for complex management
The basic services provided by residential complexes in Turkey are:
Security service: where the owners of these residential complexes cooperate with highly trained guarding and security companies to provide protection for all residents throughout the day.
Cleaning service: through which cooperation is carried out with a company specialized in constantly collecting garbage and keeping the residential complex clean.
Elevator service: This is keen to carry out periodic maintenance of elevators to ensure their safety and to avoid any sudden malfunctions that may lead to their stopping for long periods that disrupt the residents.
Gym and swimming pool services: which are considered among the important basic services that the vast majority of residents of residential complexes are interested in.
Heating service, through which temperatures are maintained inside the residential complex, in addition to many additional social services aimed at beautifying the residential complex and adding social facilities.
In the event that the returns are not paid within the specified period, the management of the complex or the building has the right to apply a certain interest, in return for the failure to pay the revenues.
Which can reach 5% of the amount value for each month in which the person is late for paying,
In the event of a significant delay in paying the returns of a property in Turkey, the construction or complex administration can resort to the judicial authorities,
In the event that the problem is not resolved, the property can be forcibly sold by the judicial authorities, to pay off the debts.