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Statistics of real estate in Turkey

إحصائيات صفقات العقارات في تركيا
Statistics of real estate in Turkey

Statistics of real estate in Turkey

Data issued by the Ministry of Environment, Urban Planning and Climate Change, specifically from the General Directorate of Land Registry and Real Estate Survey, indicate that more than 276,376 real estate sales deals were concluded in Turkey in the past month, and the revenues are estimated at 3 billion, 302 million and 160 thousand Turkish liras and 42 A penny.

Which raises the question about the number of real estate deals that were concluded during the first five months of this year?

In the month of April, 287,72 real estate sales transactions were concluded, which is 3.7% more than the number of transactions concluded in May. As for real estate deals concluded between January, And May have reached a total of 1,271 thousand and 971 real estate sales transactions, as for the revenues, they are estimated at 13 billion.

And 778 million and 47 thousand and 730 Turkish liras of title deeds fees. The characteristics of these deals vary, and they are divided into:

562,896 home sales transactions.

216 thousand and 582 land deals.

340 thousand and 403 field deals.

59 thousand and 917 deals for workplaces.

The rest of the deals were for other properties.

Istanbul ranked first in the selling process of properties in Turkey, with 170,692 sales in total.

Housing apartments price indices:

The Information Network (REIDIN) issues periodic reports on house price indices, which it issues regularly in coordination with the Association of Real Estate Partners and Real Estate Investment (GYODER), and the latest report indicates an increase in the house price index this year by 52.29% during May compared to Prices during the same month last year.

By comparing this year's prices with real estate prices in Turkey in 2010, we find that the price index has increased by 214.8%.

Noting that sales of apartments ready for delivery constitute 62.27% of the total sales for the month of May 2022, and apartments that are not ready for delivery constitute 37.73%.

As for the real estate stock, the report stated that the consumption rate of the real estate stock for new apartments in projects with The registered mark reached 7.15% during the month of May 2022

Real estate deals concluded with foreigners:

The aforementioned report indicates that the percentage of foreign sales amounted to 29.33% of the general sales during the month of May of this year for new apartments in the registered projects, an increase of 4.7%, compared to the month of April (April).

As for the total foreign sales during the last six months of the new apartments in the registered projects, it is estimated at 17.35% of the percentage of the total sales.

Sales of foreigners can be classified according to the types of new apartments in the projects with the registered trademark, according to the following:

Type 1 + 2 apartments were in the first place in sales, with a percentage of 37.5% of general sales to foreigners during the fifth month of 2022

This is followed by apartments of the 1 + 1 type, with a percentage of 36.11% of general sales to foreigners during the fifth month of 2022

And in third place are apartments of type 1 + 3 with a rate of 8.33%.

And finally, apartments of the 4 + 1 type, the rate of which was 5.56%

As for the rest of the types of apartments for registered projects, their combined rate was 12.5% ​​of foreign sales

Payment methods during May 2022

The advance payment was the top 57.11% of purchases of new apartments for registered brand projects,

As for purchasing through financial bonds, it ranked second with a rate of 35.21%, and bank loans came in last place with a rate of 7.68%.

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